Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I really really love green sauce!

I honestly can't remember how far back this fascination goes, but I do remember making up songs about this wonderful sauce with my high school friends! That was about Casa Ole green sauce. Since then I have found a superior green sauce at Los Cucos. It is always the first place we eat as soon as the plane touches down in Houston, and the last place we eat before getting back on board. The waiters know to bring larger bowls of the heavenly sauce to us so as to cut down their trips to the table! My recipe may not be exact, but it's as close as I can get! I've tried to jot down exact measurements, but one thing you'll learn from reading my blog is that I rely a lot on my taste buds, and not so much on a recipe. I'll give you my best estimate, and you may have to tweak it a little until it tastes just right to you! Tonight I will be using this sauce to cover my chicken ranch enchiladas! That recipe will come later! I will get some pictures up soon...

Annie's Green Sauce

8-10 tomatillos
1 large onion
1 jalapeno (2 for spicier, I like mine mild. I also remove all the seeds)
2 garlic cloves
3 avocados
1/2 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon cumin
1 whole bunch cilantro
salt to taste

Put tomatillos, onion, jalapeno, and garlic in a roasting pan. drizzle a little olive oil salt and pepper. Roast in oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, until tomatillos burst.
Place contents of roasting pan in your food processor. add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. This makes quite a bit of green sauce, but that never seems to be a problem around here!
Serve with chips! My mom enjoys green sauce with her eggs; would make an excellent addition to a breakfast burrito!


  1. Really, really wonderful! I saw the link to your blog from Jason's facebook page. My whole family raved about the sauce -- I made it for a dip and also used it for enchiladas -- super good!

  2. Great! Glad you liked it! :o)
